REvil Ransomware



This is my analysis for the REvil Ransomware payload found in the Kaseya incident.

The report is my personal work, and it is not affiliated in any way to FireEye/Mandiant’s engagement in said incident.

This ransomware uses a hybrid-cryptography scheme of Curve25519 ECDH and Salsa20 to encrypt files and protect its keys.

It has an impressive multithreading approach to traverse and encrypt files as well as an ellaborate cryptography setup with multiple ways to decrypt files.

This new sample also has a new field in the configuration to control how many times the ransom notes are dropped on the system.

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Figure 1: REvil Ransomware leak site.


This sample is a 32-bit .exe payload.

MD5: 94d087166651c0020a9e6cc2fdacdc0c

SHA256: 9b11711efed24b3c6723521a7d7eb4a52e4914db7420e278aa36e727459d59dd


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Figure 2: VirusTotal information.

Ransom Note

The content of ransom note and the note’s filename are extracted from REvil’s configuration, and the rdmcnt field determines the total number of folders to drop the ransom note to.

The encrypted file extension, victim’s ID, and key are dynamically generated and appended to the ransom note below.

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Figure 3: REvil ransom note.

Static Code Analysis

Anti-Analysis: Dynamic API Resolving

Like all samples that came before, this REvil sample is obfuscated to hide its API calls from static analysis.

The original APIs are stored as an array of hashes in memory, and the malware dynamically resolves each by loading the appropriate DLL, hashing all of its exported APIs’ name, and comparing the hashes to the unresolved API hash in memory.

Below is the hashing algorithm that the malware uses to hash API names.

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Figure 4: API name hashing.

Check out my IDAPython scripts and if you want to automate resolving these APIs. These scripts are inspired by this OALabs’s Youtube video.

Anti-Analysis: String Encryption

Like all samples that came before, most strings in this REvil sample are encrypted and resolved during run-time.

The string decryption function takes in an offset and the length of the string to decrypt in a global encrypted string data buffer. After locating the encrypted string in the buffer, the malware decrypts it using RC4.

The best way to get around this is to use flare-emu to emulate this function and extract all decrypted strings automatically.

Check out my IDAPython script for this here. After running the script, each decrypted string is appended as a comment to its function call.

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Figure 5: Automate string decryption.


The configuration of REvil samples is encrypted and stored in memory.

The malware first computes the CRC32 checksum of the encrypted config and compares it with a hard-coded checksum to ensure the configuration has not been tampered with.

Then, it decrypts the configuration using RC4 using this key “mXT1QFyEUbrxc4cbP84jbN5wrHeqmFXt”.

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Figure 6: REvil config decryption.

Below is the sample’s decrypted config in JSON form.

  "pk": "9/AgyLvWEviWbvuayR2k0Q140e9LZJ5hwrmto/zCyFM=",
  "pid": "$2a$12$prOX/4eKl8zrpGSC5lnHPecevs5NOckOUW5r3s4JJYDnZZSghvBkq",
  "sub": "8254",
  "dbg": false,
  "et": 0,
  "wipe": true,
  "wht": {
    "fld": [
      "program files",
      "application data",
      "system volume information",
      "program files (x86)",
      "tor browser",
    "fls": [
    "ext": [
  "wfld": [
  "prc": [
  "dmn": ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;",
  "net": false,
  "svc": [
  "nname": "{EXT}-readme.txt",
  "exp": false,
  "arn": false,
  "rdmcnt": 0

The malware has a separate function to parse each field in the configuration.

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Figure 7: Setting up parsing functions.

Below is the list of configuration fields that this sample uses and their description.

Field Description
pk Campaign public key
pid Affiliate ID
sub Campaign ID
dbg Enable debug mode
wht Whitelist:
      - fld: Folder names
      - fls: File names
      - ext: Extensions
prc Processes to kill
svc Services to stop
dmn Network domains
net Enable network communication
nbody Base64-encoded ransom note
nname Ransom note filename
img Base64-encoded ransom wallpaper image
et Encryption type:
      - 0: Full encryption
      - 1: Fast Encryption
      - 2: Chunking by <spsize> megabytes
spsize Number of megabytes to skip between each chunk when encryption type is 2
arn Enable persistence
rdmcnt Total number of folders to drop ransom note
exp Enable privilege escalation

Command-line Arguments

REvil can run with or without command-line arguments.

Below is the list of arguments that can be supplied by the operator:

Argument Description
-nolan Disable encryption for network drives and resources
-nolocal Disable encryption for drive shares
-path <target> Path to a directory to be encrypted specifically
-silent Disable service and process killing
-smode Enable safemode reboot
-fast Override encryption type to fast encryption
-full Override encryption type to full encryption

Generate Victim Information

I. Victim Secret Key

Prior to encryption, the malware randomly generates a public-private key pair for the victim, which is later used to generate the Salsa20 keys to encrypt files.

Because the system private key is crucial in file decryption, REvil encrypts it using the campaign public key (extracted from the configuration) and a hard-coded operator public key.

The key encryption algorithm works by generating a public-private key pair and producing a shared-secret between the generated private key and the provided public key.

The malware encrypts the data with AES using the shared-secret as the key and the generated public key as the IV. The public key is appended at the end of the encrypted data.

To decrypt, the operator can provide their private key to generate the same shared secret with the public key at the end of the data and decrypt it using AES.

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Figure 8: Key encryption algorithm.

The campaign-encrypted system private key, operator-encrypted system private key, campaign public key, and system public key are then written to these registry keys.

- SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\Ed7: campaign public key
- SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\QIeQ: system public key
- SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\96Ia6: campaign-encrypted system private key
- SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\Ucr1RB: operator-encrypted system private key

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Figure 9: Generating system secret key.

II. Victim ID

The victim ID is a string of 16 hex characters generated from the CRC checksums of the system’s volume serial number and the CPU ID.

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Figure 10: Generating victim ID.

III. Encrypted File Extension

The final encrypted file extension is a string of 5 random characters concatenated by the string from the nname field in the configuration.

This file extension is added to the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\wJWsTYE and to the extension whitelist.

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Figure 11: Generating encrypted file extension.

IV. Full Victim Information Buffer

The generated victim information buffer is a string in JSON form that contains the following fields.

Field Description
ver Ransomware sample’s version (hard-coded)
pid Affiliate ID extracted from configuration
sub Campaign ID extracted from configuration
pk Base64-encoded campaign public key extracted from configuration
uid Victim ID
sk Base64-encoded system private key
unm Victim’s username
net Computer’s name
grp Victim’s domain from SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Domain (Default: WORKGROUP)
lng Locale name
bro Language check result
os Product name
bit Processor architecture
dsk Base64-encoded HDD information
ext Encrypted file extension

This buffer is encrypted using a hard-coded Curve25519 public key in memory and assigned to the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\JmfOBvhb.

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Figure 12: Generating victim information buffer.

Building Ransom Note

The ransom note content is extracted from the nbody field from the configuration.

The malware replaces its {UID} tag with the generated victim ID, {KEY} tag with the base64 string of the encrypted victim information buffer, and {EXT} with the encrypted file extension.

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Figure 13: Building ransom note’s content.

Building Ransom Wallpaper Image

The ransom wallpaper image is extracted from the img field from the configuration.

The malware replaces its {UID} tag with the generated victim ID, {KEY} tag with the base64 string of the encrypted victim information buffer, {EXT} with the encrypted file extension, {USERNAME} with the victim’s username, and {NOTENAME} with the ransom note’s filename.

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Figure 14: Building ransom wallpaper image.

During post-encryption, the malware changes the background of the victim’s machine to this wallpaper image.

Language Check

If the value of the dbg field in the configuration is false, the malware checks for the system’s language and keyboard layout to see if it should encrypt this system or not.

First, it checks if the default UI language is in the language whitelist.

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Figure 15: Checking whitelist language.

Next, it checks if the system’s keyboard layout is in the keyboard layout whitelist.

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Figure 16: Checking whitelist keyboard layout.

If the check succeeds, the malware terminates immediately. This is pretty standard for Russian ransomware, and I don’t think I need to go into details about why this code block is here ;)

Safemood Reboot

If the command-line argument -smode is provided, the malware attempts to force the system to reboot into safe mode in order to gain more priviledge to execute itself.

First, it calls GetSystemMetrics to check if the machine is started with a normal boot. If it is, the malware sets the user account’s name to “DTrump4ever”.

It also sets the following registry values:

- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon: "1"
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName: "DTrump4ever"
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword: "DTrump4ever"

This ultimately sets the default credentials to “DTrump4ever” and enable automatic admin logon upon reboot.

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Figure 17: Setting new logon credentials.

Next, it sets the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\*AstraZeneca to its own executable path to automatically launch itself upon reboot.

Then, if the Windows OS is pre-Vista, it sets the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\*MarineLePen to “bootcfg /raw /fastdetect /id 1” and executes “bootcfg /raw /a /safeboot:network /id 1” using WinExec.

If the Windows OS is Vista or above, it sets the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\*MarineLePen to “bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot” and executes “bcdedit /set {current} safeboot network” using WinExec.

This ensures that the OS will always boot into safe mode.

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Figure 18: Configuring OS to boot into safe mode.

Finally, if the malware has enough priviledge, it forces rebooting the system with NtShutdownSystem. If not, it forces rebooting with ExitWindowsEx.

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Figure 19: Configuring OS to boot into safe mode.

Run-Once Mutex

The malware checks if there is another instance of itself running by checking if the mutex “Global\422BE415-4098-BB75-3BD9-3E62EE8E8423” already exists using CreateMutex.

If there is another instance, the malware terminates itself.

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Figure 20: Checking run-once mutex.

Priviledge Escalation

If the value of the exp field in the configuration is true, the malware attempts to escalate and launch itself with higher priviledge.

First, it checks if it’s currently running with restricted priviledge by using GetTokenInformation to get information on the current process’s token elevation type and identifer authority.

If it is, it calls ShellExecuteExW to execute a runas command to launch the malware with the same provided command-line arguments. Since the runas command launches the application with admin credentials, this ensures the malware will have higher priviledge than it currently does.

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Figure 21: Priviledge escalation.

Pre-Encryption Setup

First, the malware calls SHEmptyRecycleBinW to empty the Recycle Bin folder and SetPriorityClass to set the priority class of the current process to ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS.

Next, it calls WinExec to execute the following command to enable network discovery on the system.

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Network Discovery" new enable=Yes

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Figure 22: Pre-Encryption setup.


If the value of the arn field in the configuration is true, the malware establishes persistence through registry.

It sets the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\t32mMaunsR to its current executable path to automatically launch itself when the system boots up.

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Figure 23: Establishing persistence.

Terminating Services and Processes through WMI

If the command-line argument -silent is not provided, the malware attempts to terminate all services and processes in the lists from the prc and svc fields through WMI.

First, it calls CoCreateInstance to create an IWbemLocator object using the CLSID {4590F811-1D3A-11D0-891F-00AA004B2E24}.

The malware calls the IWbemLocator::ConnectServer method to connect with the local ROOT\CIMV2 namespace and obtain the pointer to an IWbemServices object.

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Figure 24: Connecting to ROOT\CIMV2 to get IWbemServices object.

Next, it calls CoCreateInstance to create an IUnsecuredApartment object using the CLSID {49bd2028-1523-11d1-ad79-00c04fd8fdff}.

Using this IUnsecuredApartment object, the malware calls the IUnsecuredApartment::CreateObjectStub function to create an object forwarder sink to handle receiving asynchronous calls from Windows Management. This registers a function to terminate processes and services received from asynchronous calls.

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Figure 25: Creating an object forwarder sink to handle processes and services.

Using the IWbemServices object, the malware calls IWbemServices::ExecNotificationQueryAsync to execute these two WQL commands, which pipes the process and service query results to the registered creation event handler.

SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'
SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Service'

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Figure 26: Executing query WQL commands.

The handler calls the IWbemClassObject::Get function to retrieve the TargetInstance, __CLASS, and __PATH properties of the received object.

It checks if the object’s class is Win32_Process, then it calls the IWbemClassObject::GetMethod function to get the IWbemClassObject object of the GetOwner function.

Using this GetOwner object, it calls the IWbemClassObject::Get function to retrieve the user, domain, and name of the process. It terminates the process if the process’s name is in the process-to-kill list from the prc field.

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Figure 27: Retrieving the process’s name through WMI.

To terminate the process, the malware calls the IWbemServices::GetObject function to retrieve an IWbemClassObject object for Win32_Process.

It then calls IWbemClassObject::Get to retrieve the path of the process’s executable and IWbemClassObject::GetMethod to get an IWbemClassObject object for the Terminate function.

It calls IWbemClassObject::Put to add a terminate reason to the Terminate object before calling IWbemServices::ExecMethod to execute the Terminate method and kill the process.

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Figure 28: Terminating process through WMI.

If the object’s class is Win32_Service instead, the malware calls the IWbemClassObject::Get function to get the name and state of the service. It stops the service if the service name is in the service-to-kill list from the svc field and the service state is “Running”.

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Figure 29: Retrieving the service’s name and state through WMI.

To stop the service, the malware calls IWbemClassObject::Get to retrieve the path of the service’s executable and IWbemServices::ExecMethod to execute the StopService method to stop the service.

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Figure 30: Stopping service through WMI.

Terminating Services through Service Control Manager

The malware calls OpenSCManagerW to get a service control manager handle for active services.

It then calls EnumServicesStatusExW to enumerate Win32 services that are active and terminates any service whose name is in the service-to-kill list from the svc field.

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Figure 31: Enumerating services using Service Control Manager.

To fully terminate the target service, the malware first terminates all of its depedent services.

By calling EnumDependentServicesW and OpenServiceW, it retrieves the Service Control Manager handle for each depedent service and recursively terminates its depedent services.

The malware calls ControlService to send the SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control code to each depedent service and continuously waits until the service is fully stopped.

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Figure 32: Recursively stopping all depdent services of the target service.

Afterward, the malware sends the SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control code to the main service to stop it and calls DeleteService to mark the specified service for deletion from the Service Control Manager database.

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Figure 33: Stop and delete the target service.

Terminating Processes

The malware calls CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32FirstW, and Process32NextW to enumerate through all running processes and executes the process terminating function on them.

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Figure 34: Enumerating processes.

The process terminating function terminates each process using TerminateProcess if its name is in the process-to-kill list from the prc field.

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Figure 35: Terminating target process.

Deleting Shadow Copies

The malware calls CoCreateInstance to create an IWbemContext object using the CLSID {674B6698-EE92-11D0-AD71-00C04FD8FDFF}.

If the system architecture is x64, it calls the IWbemContext::SetValue function to set the value of “__ProviderArchitecture” to 64.

It then calls CoCreateInstance to create an IWbemLocator object using the CLSID {4590F811-1D3A-11D0-891F-00AA004B2E24}.

The malware calls the IWbemLocator::ConnectServer method to connect with the local ROOT\CIMV2 namespace and obtain the pointer to an IWbemServices object.

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Figure 36: Connecting to ROOT\CIMV2 to get IWbemServices object (again).

Next, it calls IWbemServices::ExecQuery to execute the WQL query below to get the IEnumWbemClassObject object for querying shadow copies.

select * from Win32_ShadowCopy

The malware calls IEnumWbemClassObject::Next to enumerate through all shadow copies on the system, IEnumWbemClassObject::Get to get the ID of each shadow copies, and IWbemServices::DeleteInstance to delete them.

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Figure 37: Deleting shadow copies through WMI.

File Encryption

Multithreading setup

REvil uses multithreading with I/O completion port to communicate between the main thread and the worker threads to speed up encryption.

Prior to encryption, the malware allocates memory for a shared structure that is used by threads to communicate with each other.

Below is the layout of this structure.

  HANDLE HeapHandle;
  HANDLE IOCompletionPort;
  DWORD threadCount;
  LONG unused; // these fields are left unused for some reason.
  LONG unused2; // Or maybe I'm just blind lmao
  HANDLE fileHandle;
  DWORD fileName;
  LONG unused3;
  LONG lowerFileEncryptedSize;
  LONG higherFileEncryptedSize;
  BYTE filePublicKey[32];
  BYTE Salsa20Nonce[8];
  DWORD filePublicKeyCRC32Hash;
  DWORD encryptionType;
  DWORD Salsa20XorStream;
  BYTE Salsa20Key[64];
  DWORD threadCurrentState;
  DWORD threadNextState;
  DWORD fileBufferReadLength;
  DWORD fileDataBuffer;

The malware creates the heap handle and IO Completion Port handle and adds them to this structure before spawning children threads to encrypt files.

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Figure 38: Setting up thread struct.

Next, it spawns children threads that waits to receive files from the main thread to encrypt.

The number of children threads is double the number of processors on the system, and these threads’ priority is set to THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST.

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Figure 39: Spawning children threads.

Main Thread Traversal

I. Checking Directory Name

When the malware first encounters a directory, it first calls a function to check the directory’s name.

The path to the directory is valid to be encrypted when it contains both “program files” and sql or if the directory name is not in the folder name whitelist.

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Figure 40: Checking directory name.

II. Dropping Ransom Note

If the directory is valid to encrypt, the main malware thread calls a function to drop the ransom note in it.

This function first tries to create a file called “tmp” in the directory to check if it has priviledge to access and create files.

If it fails, REvil calls SetEntriesInAclW to creates a new access control list by merging access control information into the process’s existing ACL structure. This helps it gain the priviledge to access files in the directory.

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Figure 41: Modifying ACL to gain access rights to directory.

Then, the malware creates the ransom note file in the directory and writes the ransom note’s content to it.

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Figure 42: Dropping ransom note.

However, the ransom note is only created in a set number of directories specified by the rdmcnt field. The ransom note counter is reset to zero every time the malware begins encrypting a new local or remote drive.

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Figure 43: Full function to drop ransom note.

III. Traversal

The malware uses FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW to traverse through the target folder.

REvil does not encrypt the file/folder it finds if its name is ”.”, ”..” or if it has an associated reparse point (folder) or is a symbolic link (file).

If the malware finds a folder, it calls the function to check the folder’s name before adding it to the folder-to-encrypt-list and dropping a ransom note inside.

This list is a buffer in memory that contains a list of folders for the malware to go through and encrypt, and it eliminates the need of using recursive traversal.

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Figure 44: Processing sub-folder.

If the malware finds a file, it calls a function to check the filename and extension.

A file is valid to be encrypted when the filename does not contain “ntuser”, is not in the filename whitelist, and its extension is not in the extension whitelist.

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Figure 45: Checking filename and extension.

If the file is to be encrypted, the malware calls a function to set up encryption keys before signalling the children threads to encrypt it.

IV. Pre-Encryption File Setup

For each encrypted file, a 232-byte file footer is appended to the end of the file at the end of the encryption phase. This file footer contains the chunk between the CAMPAIGN_ENCRYPTED_PRIV_SYS_KEY field and the Salsa20XorStream field in the THREAD_STRUCT structure.

  BYTE filePublicKey[32];
  BYTE Salsa20Nonce[8];
  DWORD filePublicKeyCRC32Hash;
  DWORD encryptionType;
  DWORD Salsa20XorStream;

When the malware sets up the file for encryption, it checks if the file is not already encrypted.

This is done by manually checking the file footer by computing the CRC32 checksum of the filePublicKey field and compare it to the filePublicKeyCRC32Hash field.

If the checksum does not match, the file is not encrypted, and the malware can proceed to encrypt it.

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Figure 46: Checking if file is encrypted.

For each encrypted file, a THREAD_STRUCT structure is allocated to storing data about that file.

Next, the malware determines the length of the buffer that file data can be read into and encrypted. The size of this buffer is set to 0x100000 bytes, but if the file size is smaller than that, then the size of this buffer is set to the file size.

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Figure 47: Setting file buffer length.

Next, the malware creates the file and populates the fileHandle, fileName, threadCount, lowerFileEncryptedSize, and higherFileEncryptedSize fields in the structure.

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Figure 48: Setting file buffer length.

If retrieving the file handle fails, the malware attempts to terminate services that are using the file.

It calls OpenSCManagerW to retrieve a handle to the Service Control Manager for active services. It also calls RmStartSession and RmRegisterResources to register the file resource to the Restart Manager session.

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Figure 49: Initializing Service Control Manager and Restart Manager.

Next, the malware calls RmGetList to retrieve and enumerate the list of applications that are restricting the file being accessed.

If the application is a Windows service, the malware calls the function earlier to terminate the service.

If the application’s process ID is 4, the application is a critical service, or the process’s executable is “vmcompute.exe”, “vmms.exe”, “vmwp.exe”, and “svchost.exe”, the service is skipped and not terminated.

If the application does not fall into the conditions above, it’s terminated by TerminateProcess.

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Figure 50: Terminating services and processes that are using file.

Finally, the main malware thread sets up the encryption keys in the file’s THREAD_STRUCT structure.

First, the campaign-encrypted system private key and operator-encrypted system private key are written into the structure.

The malware then generates a Curve25519 public-private key pair for the file. The file’s private key is used to generate a shared-secret with the system public key, and the shared-secret is hashed using SHA-3.

The shared-secret hash is then used to generate the 32-byte Salsa20 key for the file. The 8-byte Salsa20 nonce is randomly generated.

The file’s public key is then hashed using CRC32 and assigned to the structure’s filePublicKeyCRC32Hash field.

The malware also encrypts a buffer with 4 null bytes and assigned that to the structure’s Salsa20XorStream field. I’m not entirely sure what this is used for, but it’s most likely to check if the Salsa20 key is properly decrypted when the decryptor processes the file.

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Figure 51: Setting up file encryption keys in the file’s THREAD_STRUCT structure.

Children Thread Encryption

Children threads communicate with each other and the main thread using GetQueuedCompletionStatus and PostQueuedCompletionStatus.

Each thread constantly polls for an I/O completion packet from the main THREAD_STRUCT structure. The packet received from GetQueuedCompletionStatus contains an file’s THREAD_STRUCT structure as well as the number of bytes to be read and encrypted.

This thread adds that number to the current file pointer in the file’s structure before continuing to process the file.

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Figure 52: Children thread polling for I/O packets to process file.

The encryption process is divided into four states. The file’s current state and next state is recorded in its THREAD_STRUCT structure.

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Figure 53: File encryption states.

I. State 1: Reading File

The first state reads a set amount of bytes specified by the fileBufferReadLength field in the structure into the buffer at the fileDataBuffer field.

It sets the threadCurrentState field to 1 and the threadNextState to 2. If it reaches the end of file after calling ReadFile, the threadNextState field is set to 3.

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Figure 54: State 1: Reading file.

II. State 2. Encrypt and Write File

The second state encrypts the buffer at the fileDataBuffer field with Salsa20.

It then moves the file pointer back to the start of the unencrypted part and overwrites that with the encrypted data.

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Figure 55: State 2: Encrypting and writing file.

The next state now depends on the encryption type.

If the encryption type is 1 (Fast Encryption), then the next state is set to 3. This is because this encryption type only encrypts the first 0x100000 bytes of the file.

If the encryption type is 0 or 2, the next state is set to 1 to continue reading from file.

When the encryption type is 2 (chunking), the file pointer is calculated differently. The file pointer will be changed to jump ahead by a set number of megabytes specified by the spsize field to skip to the next chunk. If the data remained to be encrypted is less than the skipping size, the file pointer jumps to the end of the file.

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Figure 56: State 2: Chunking.

The third state is executed only when the file encryption is finished.

If the encryption type is fast encryption, the file pointer is set to the end of the file.

Then, the file writes the file footer in the file’s THREAD_STRUCT structure to the end of the file. This file footer contains information that is used when decrypting files.

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Figure 57: State 3: Writing file footer.

During state 3, the next state is set to 4.

IV. State 4. Move File

This is the last state in the file encryption process.

The malware appends the encrypted file extension to the filename and calls MoveFileW to move the encrypted file to this new filename.

Finally, it calls a function to free up the file’s THREAD_STRUCT structure.

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Figure 58: State 4: Moving file and cleaning up.

Network Shares Traversal

If the target path is a network path, the malware calls NetShareEnum to enumerate network shared resources on the system.

For each shared resource, after appending its name to the target path, the malware traverses and encrypts it using the same traversal function above.

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Figure 59: Shared resources traversal.

Drive Shares Traversal

If the command-line argument -nolocal is not provided, the malware attempts to encrypt all drive shares.

It enumerates through all drives on the system. If the drive type is DRIVE_REMOVABLE or DRIVE_FIXED or DRIVE_REMOTE, the malware traverses and encrypts using the same traversal function above.

If the drive type is DRIVE_FIXED specifically, the malware calls NetShareAdd to share the drive’s resource with the local system.

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Figure 60: Drive shares traversal.

Network Drives and Resources Traversal

If the command-line argument -nolan is not provided, the malware attempts to encrypt all drive shares.

First, it calls OpenProcess, OpenProcessToken, and DuplicateToken to get an access token to duplicate that of an explorer.exe process.

It calls CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Thread32First, and Thread32Next to enumerate through all running threads.

For all children threads running, the malware sets their thread token to the duplicate explorer.exe token.

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Figure 61: Impersonating children threads as Explorer threads.

The main thread itself also impersonates explorer.exe by calling ImpersonateLoggedOnUser on the Explorer process token.

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Figure 62: Impersonating main thread as Explorer thread.

It enumerates through all drives on the system. If the drive type is DRIVE_REMOTE, the malware traverses and encrypts using the same traversal function above.

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Figure 63: Network drives traversal.

Next, it calls a recursive function to enumerate network resources at multiple enumeration scopes.

The malware calls WNetEnumResourceW to enumerate through network resources, and for each that is found, REvil recursively traverses through its resources until it has gone through all resources in the network.

For each of these resources, the malware traverses and encrypts using the same traversal function above.

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Figure 64: Enumerating and encrypting network resources.

Network Communication

If the value of the net field in the configuration is true, the malware sends the victim’s information to network domains listed in the dmn field.

The malware calls the function to generate the victim information buffer prior to establishing a connection to each domain.

For each domain, it builds an HTTPS URL in the form of **“https://<domain>////\<random_string_2\>//\<random_string_3\>.\<random_string_4\>"** where:

Next, it calls WinHttpOpen to retrieve a HTTP session handle with the following agent.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Safari/537.36

It then calls WinHttpCrackUrl to crack the generated URL into components and calls WinHttpConnect to establish a connection to the server.

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Figure 65: Establishing connection to network domain.

Next, it calls WinHttpOpenRequest to create an HTTP POST request handle. Using this handle, the malware sends the victim information to the domain through a WinHttpOpenRequest call.

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Figure 66: Sending data to network domain.

The server’s response is received using WinHttpReceiveResponse and read into a buffer using a stream object that uses an HGLOBAL memory handle, but the malware doesn’t do anything with this.


After the encryption is finished and everything is cleaned up from memory, the malware deletes itself by calling MoveFileExW and providing a null pointer for the lpNewFileName parameter.

This registers the executable file to be deleted when the system restarts.

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Figure 67: Self-Deletion.

File Decryption

Thanks to the extra work being put into its cryptography scheme, the operators have three different ways to decrypt files.

Because the shared-secret of the file private key and the system public key is used to generate the Salsa20 key to encrypt the file, the same key can be generated from the shared-secret of the file public key (located in the file footer) and the system private key.

As a result, the decryptor must have access to the system private key, and there are a three ways to retrieve this.

I. Operator Key

Since the operator-encrypted system private key is in the file footer at the end of every encrypted file, the operator can decrypt the system private key using their operator private key.

Alternatively, they can ask the victim’s to provide the operator-encrypted system private key from the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\Ucr1RB.

II. Campaign Key

Since the campaign-encrypted system private key is in the file footer at the end of every encrypted file, the operator can decrypt the system private key using the campaign private key.

Alternatively, they can ask the victim’s to provide the campaign-encrypted system private key from the value of the registry key SOFTWARE\BlackLivesMatter\96Ia6

III. Decrypting the Victim Information Buffer

The victim information buffer is encrypted using a hard-coded public key and embedded in the ransom note.

When the victim submits this encrypted buffer to the operator on their website, they can decrypt it using their own private key and base64-decode the system private key in the sk field.

Personal Opinion

Probably the most well-engineered ransomware out there. Fancy crypto and threading, but an absolute pain in the ass to analyze.
